Saturday, February 6, 2010

I have decided to write an 'explanation' of my week. 

You may think the week starts on Sunday (or Monday) but this week starts on Wednesday.

First day of School for 2010. Ew. I bus into town at 8:11am. I'm usually late for stuff, and I could just picture myself walking in and everyone looking. But not this year!

Definitely not, I was 45 minutes early. D:

45 minutes later Josh turns up.

Everyone walks to 'Majestic House' which is a shit hole.

Everyone walks back to school.

Me and Josh run off to Starbucks.

Josh buys a pack of strawberry gum, and gives me some.

We have to walk back to Majestic house to watch a guy with no legs give an motivational talk. It was alright, but I wasn't very motivated.

Go home.


Go into school at the normal time.

Find out we're meeting all the teachers (along with the new kids) even though we already know them.

Josh buys some strawberry gum and is generous enough to give me some (a lot) of it.

They make us do stupid and irrelevant activities. First up we have to make flags of how we see the world in twenty years. Me and Josh cut out every picture of devastation we find in the newspaper and glue it onto our flag.

Next we go down to the Basement building. It is a similar scene to that of a night club, music pounds and lights flash. They get us to play a 'game' where we walk round in a huge crowd, trying to mask who starts walking first and who stops walking first. Then we play a 'repeat-the-clap-after-me-or-else' game.

After that we go to another floor and are taught a haka. After performing it about a million times, we are told to either draw a picture of our identities or make a playdoh mold of our identities.

Next floor is nice, all the teachers do is talk for an hour and give us a quiz to do about themselves.

Best part of the day was when my mum got me the AWESOMEST wallet ever that looks like a envelope! I'll take a picture and put it up sometime.

I drag myself to school thinking, "Great, get ready for more McPhail".

More rotations of the teachers. This time they make us go on a treasure hunt around town. Then they get us to walk to the Botanical gardens, which is miles away. My toes are rubbed raw by my shoes. When we get to the botanical gardens they tell us to walk back.

After some tough negotiating with Josh he gives me a piece of strawberry gum.

The next floor is the most horrible ever, we have the stupid debate about rules. One of the teachers gets us to play a game of Simon Says. I was very close to strangling him.

The last floor we visit isn't too bad, except that it is rigged up like some Army Survival Course, with mats on the floor and Ropes hanging from the ceiling.

Lucky for us they don't make us use them!

Had our ID card pictures taken. Mine was horrible. Of course.

Dragged myself home. And died.

That was my school week.

ARRRRGGHHHH, It was HORRIBLE! (Kill me now)

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