Walking Towards School...
Felicity: You have to give, in order to Receive, did you know?
Josh: Um yeah.
Felicity: I don't really give much, but I often receive, so there's an imbalance.
Felicity tries to step over a piece of toilet paper lying on the ground. It gets stuck to her foot.
Felicity: CRAP! A piece of toilet paper is stuck to my foot, that's such a cliche!
Felicity keeps trying to get it off her foot, without using her hands.
Josh: Hahahahahaha, you're receiving!
Felicity eventually manages to get toilet paper off her foot.
The Moral of this Story: Don't talk about giving and receiving. You may just receive. Like me.
Hopefully you will only receive what you want in future. Although that piece of loo paper would be welcome in a different context.